Better Together

Ivys on oak

It’s time to look back on another year of life and its lessons. By all measures, 2024 was a productive one in the workshop, with 6 furniture pieces, a set of cabinet doors and drawers, and 4 clocks completed. These were all fun Projects that stretched my abilities and padded my confidence. Most gratifying to me was that five of them could not have been completed without the collaborative efforts of new partners. It’s true! We are better than Me.

To start the year, my friend Brian came by once or twice a week to work beautiful ash planks into a new table for his landlocked galleon (aka carriage house). Here’s how it went: I provided the tools and encouragement while he did the bulk of the work. Now, we both have the experience of creating a Stickley classic, as well as a blog post.

Next, my other friend David stopped by with his van Isabella and, together, we created a refreshing new interior of yellow birch cabinetry. Those homey confines provided an off-trail oasis for David during a thru-hike of The Long Trail later in the year. It’s touching when furniture gives back.

Two wedding clocks were completed this year and both owe their existence, not to mention charm, to the talents of others. My son, Andrew, did the fine laser cutting and inlay for the Voysey clock. Not only did he perform the work, but it was his inspiration to reproduce the original dial by this method, gently ushering me away from more amateur approaches. Ideas are just as valuable as technique, indeed more so.

The Square Rose clock is nothing but a wooden case without the finely decorated glass on its door. My sister-in-law, Chris, applied her talents toward a novel method for reproducing the decalcomania work of 160 years ago. Her spot-on reproduction of an old design through the clever blend of cut vinyl and paint is truly art in the furtherance of craft. It made that clock.

The beauty of my latest clock, a replica German wall clock, relies heavily on the turned half-columns provided by my new friend and colleague, Josh, of Still River Woodworks. I look forward to working with him as often as I can.

I also fancied this year’s solo Projects, but that new experience of co-creating is what will stick with me most. I put a five slide collection together as a tribute to my co-laborers of 2024. Lastly, my other son Ben generally takes the final “money shots” for my website and blog. It’s about time I acknowledge his art, as well.

Thanks all, and Happy New Year!


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